Ways To Know If He Actually Likes You Or Just Using You For Sex

Okay so you have been hooking up with this guy for months now but it seems like it isn’t going anywhere, red flags keep popping up and you know you deserve better but you just keep thinking, “It’s going to be different with him this time around, I’m different, he is different than other guys I have dated,” but if you really took a look at the situation nothing seems to be different than the previous debacles you seemed to have gotten yourself into in the past, right?

Trust me. I get it. I’ve been there many times before. Being in the limbo stage with someone you truly care about sucks but what would suck even more is if you were the only one investing not only your time but your emotions as well and  that’s why I have put a list together of 1o ways to know if actually likes you or if  he is just using you for sex.

If you answer yes to more than 5 of these on the list you might just be better off ending it now before you get yourself hurt.

10 Ways To Know If He Actually Likes You Or Just Using You For Sex

  1. Most of your conversations are strictly done through texts or even worse “Snap- Chatting” and you two are still are not Snapchat best friends!
  2.  You only see him on weekends.
  3. You only hook up while you’re drunk.
  4. He has never taken you out on a proper date.
  5. He usually reaches out to you later on in the day never in the morning or through out the day.
  6. He doesn’t want to meet your friends or have you meet his.
  7. You know nothing really about his personal life.
  8. You only hang out with him when it works for him.
  9. His best friend has no idea who you are
  10. You tag him in a photo and he instantly removes it.

If any of these sound familiar, I would highly suggest cutting things off before you get hurt. Trust me, your forever is out there!

Featured Image: www.pinterest.com 

What are some of your  ways to know if he actually likes you or just using you for sex?