9 Things To Do When You’re Single During The Holidays!   

Single during the holidays

Photo Via: Thought catalog

Being single around the holiday season can be a tricky situation emotionally. Whether you are choosing to focus on yourself or you are single and ready to jingle, the overflow of engagement posts, save the dates, weddings, and repeats of every romantic comedy during the holidays can make you feel a little lonely if you let it.

That’s why from one single gal to the next, I put together a list of fun things to do during the holidays. These tips will help get you through the awkward family dinners and change the subject from your love life to something less personal like passing the wine.

I hope you find the humor in the list I created and know that being single during the holidays isn’t the end of the world! Enjoy the time to yourself. Trust me, your wallet will thank you and so will your waist line.

  1. Buy Yourself A Holiday Present: It’s important to give back to the most important person in your life, YOU! Whether it’s those shoes you have been eyeing all year or by treating yourself to a nice massage, take the time and the money and focus it on yourself.
  2. Playlist > Christmas List: Make a play list of the most unromantic holiday songs you can find, or get creative and give those traditional songs a new twist by creating inappropriate, yet oh so clever lyrics!
  3. Story Time: Sometimes we just can’t get away from the dreaded relationship questions, so if your family is asking this year, come up with the most ridiculous story about why you are single!!
  4. Create A Christmas Cocktail: Make a holiday punch or cocktail. One of my favorites is to spike my hot chocolate when no one is looking!
  5. Onsies Are For Adults Too: Wear footie PJ’s with pride. Answer the door in PJs and bake and eat as many of those gingerbread cookies as your want! Onsies are very forgiving and extremely comfortable.
  6. Say Cheese: Take holiday pictures with your pets!
  7. Cocktails Over Cookies: Host a cocktail swap instead of a cookie swap this holiday season!
  8. Cuddle Up With Your Netflix: Watch as many rom-com’s you want and have no shame doing so!
  9. You’re Single and Ready To Jingle: Girl, go get you some and leave the past in 2015!

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend