Does Social Media Have An Affect On How Happy You Are In Relationship?

I’m trying something different for this post, I want to open it up for discussion, please comment below with your thoughts.

If you didn’t post it, did it really happen? Social media has now become a huge part of our day to day lives whether we like to believe it or not. Not only has it changed the way we communicate, do business, stay in touch, equate our self-worth but it also has changed the dating game forever. With #mancrushmondays and #womancrushwednesdays it seems as though your traditional declaration of love for your partner is no longer social acceptable if it isn’t document on your social media accounts.

This type of “ modern romance ” if you will seemingly has penetrated it’s way into the core values of relationship’s today. This type of modern romance  appears to be the new way in which people value or validate the status (pardon the pun) of their relationship.

” If  you love me you will post a picture with me”

Which leads me to my question,  Are couples who post less on social media happier than those who don’t?

Recently I read an article in The Business Insider that stated, “couples who tend to post their relationships less on social media are happier and more content in their relationships than those relationships seeking validations of others through social posting”

” The joy is being together not in posting about it.” – The Business Insider

” When you’re happy with your life ( or relationship) you’re naturally more present for it.” – The Business Insider

I like to make the analogy it is  like those  couples who are overly affectionate in public but behind close doors they fight constantly to me it seems as though they are trying to prove something to themselves and others.

“There is … a clear connection between how genuinely content you are with your relationship and how often you post about it,” writes Business Insider. 

It seems as though couples who do post less about their relationships tend to be happier, do you agree?

Let me know below!