Second Date Ideas


Sometimes the first date isn’t always the hardest! If you hit it off on the first date, it leaves you thinking now what?! And let’s face it, the same old dinner date over and over again is never entertaining. So we came up with our picks for some fun second date ideas. If you like more than one idea, and the second date goes well, keeping pulling from the list!

1. Go to a concert: See who is playing at your local bar or venue. Even if it is someone you both have not heard of, experience the band for the first time together!

2. Be active: Go on a hike, bike ride, or kayaking! Endorphins alone make you feel good why not add to those with someone you like! Also, exercise leads to better sex…just sayin….

3. Go to a BYOB painting class or pottery class: A great way to share your creative sides with each other.

4. Go watch a sports game: Not at a bar, go to a game!!

5.  Go bowling: Put on the bowling shoes, buy a pitcher of beer, make a wager, and keep it light. Don’t let the competition get the best of you!

6. Go to your local museum: Find and artist you both like and a fact you didn’t know about them and discuss it over lunch with a glass of Rose.

7.  Go to a winery: Need we say more?

8.  Cooking class: Pick a type of food you have been wanting to learn how to make. Sharing the experience with someone you like makes the food taste that much better.

9.  Go on a picnic: Yes, it is as cute and romantic as it sounds!

10. Watch a movie: Whether you pick a random, have a movie marathon at your house or go to a drive in a movie together, this allows for time time together without the added pressure of keeping the conversation going the whole time! You can tell a lot about a person by what they laugh at, what they’re scared of, etc.

What are your second date suggestions:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend