Unplug In Three Easy Steps


It seems as a society we are “addicted” to the feeling of being constantly connected. As a woman with old fashion values playing by modern day rules, I find it extremely important to put my phone down, close my laptop, and decompress.

WHAT, put my phone down? I got accustomed to having my phone in my pocket at all times, so this choice wasn’t easy at first. I wanted to make a change, so I did. Implementing the three steps below, I saw an instant improvement not only in how I communicate, but also in how I spend my energy. This small change allowed me to channel that wasted energy into something far more important- MYSELF!

“Like a diet, view your digital devices like your favorite guilty pleasure- everything in moderation.”

Here are the three easy rules I live by to help me decompress and unplug!

  1. Limit Yourself: Whether it is 30 minutes at the dinner table or when you are taking a nice hot bath, turn your phone off, place it on silent, or walk into the other room. After you are done with dinner or your bath, feel free to check your phone, but try adding on 5 minutes each night and gradually build up to an hour before bed.
  1. Use Your Bed To Sleep: There have been studies that show the blue light on your digital devices disrupts the production of melatonin in your brain. That’s why limiting your usage an hour before bedtime will help you sleep better.
  1. Walk Away: Schedule the times you will be working on your digital devices, whether it is in spurts of two hour increments or longer spans. Break up your digital work time by getting up to stretch your legs or calm your brain.

How Do You Unplug:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend 

Featured photo unplug: www.mcc.us